Ubuntu Gnome Shell change launcher destination

18. Januar 2014 Alexander Stocker zero comment

Edit Gnome shell launchers to point to another executable than default For Example: You’ve installed Eclipse 3.7 „Indigo“ and want to change to Eclipse 4.3 „Kepler“ but you don’t want…

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How a webserver works

16. Januar 2014 Alexander Stocker zero comment

Grundkenntnisse und Begriffe webserver to serve –> zu dienen, bereit zustellen

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X3D Torii Itsukushima Schrein

11. Januar 2014 ELExGspot zero comment

Torii Itsukushima Schrein von Stefan Rupp als 3D Modell (x3d)

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HOWTO check file and directory permissions

3. Januar 2014 ELExGspot zero comment

If you want to check for certain permissions on files and directories. For example you want to make sure that your webserver directories and file are not writeable and/or executable.

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HOWTO find hacked files on Linux based Systems

3. Januar 2014 ELExGspot zero comment

To get a list of potentially hacked files on your (Linux driven) server, check for recently changed files and store output to file

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HT5Live Joomla 3.x Template Demo

3. Januar 2014 ELExGspot 5 comments

HT5Live ist eine einfaches Joomla Template speziell für HTML5 und CSS3 optimiert. Einfach, schlank und fast ohne Grafiken auskommend ist es für Joomla 2.5 und 3.x geeignet. Download-Link: ht5live.zip Demo: http://joomla.html5live.at…

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